Family Therapy in Taunton, MA2019-03-07T20:23:19+00:00

Family Therapy

Family therapy is often needed during stressful times, change or conflicts within the family system.

It can help family members improve communication and resolve conflicts.

Family therapy is often short term. It may include all family members or just those able or willing to participate. Your specific treatment plan will depend on your family’s situation. Family therapy sessions can teach you skills to deepen family connections and get through stressful times, even after you’re done going to therapy sessions.

Some common reasons for seeking family therapy include:

  • When a child is having a problem such as with school, substance abuse, or disordered eating
  • A major trauma or change that impacts the entire family (i.e. relocation to a new house, natural disaster, incarceration of a family member)
  • Unexpected or traumatic loss of a family member
  • Adjustment to a new family member in the home (i.e. birth of a sibling, adoption, foster children, a grandparent entering the home)
  • Domestic violence
  • Divorce
  • Parent Conflict

Interested in Family Therapy? Contact us today »

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For more information about therapy for children, adults, couples or families, or the current groups being offered, please send an email or call (508) 821-0607.

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